Friday, April 21, 2023

Where are the Jobs for Content Creators and Developers?

One might consider the work of online content creators to be something of a cottage industry.  However, over the next ten years, this field is predicted to be among the faster growing segments of the job market.

This is an excellent resource for learning about potential jobs and careers.  It is the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook. And this screenshot offers a taste of what the government believe the demand for Web Developers and Digital Designers will be into the 2030s.

Here is the link to the site.  (It will open in a new window)

Take some time to browse the various subtopics (How to Become..., Job Outlook, State & Area Data, etc.) within the page.  

Respond to the related question in your final exam.

#finalexam #spring2023


  1. I'm surprised that the median pay for a graphic designer is significantly lower than other developer fields considering branding is so prevalent in today's society.

  2. I was surprised by the number of jobs available and the rate the job opportunity is increasing.

  3. I think that graphic designers / content creators having to get a bachelors degree is sort of idiotic honestly. I am very active in the gaming side of social media. I also have done video editing freelance work for streamers. I got to know a lot of graphic designers, and my one friend kupo actually had gotten scammed multiple times, and paid way less than he should have been for his work, he got a job a while ago at a company to be a graphic designer and had seemed much happier, this is sort of how it should work I believe, you should just have to have a portfolio.

  4. It was surprising to see content, creators were actually listened as a career on the site.
