Monday, April 26, 2021

What is Computational Advertising?

Without using that specific term, we have discussed this throughout the semester.  Computational Advertising is more commonly known as online advertising or Web advertising and refers to finding the most relevant ads matching a particular context on the Web. 

Social media advertising works.  But how do we know, and how can we measure its effectiveness?  Using the metrics of traditional old media ad penetration rates simply does not work.  And since social media advertising became a thing only about a decade ago, adequate measurement tools are only recently coming online and gaining acceptance by advertisers.

An article published in 2020 in the Journal of Advertising, Challenges and Future Directions of Computational Advertising Measurement Systems addresses the concept of Computational advertising (CA).  In the paper, Yun, et al "present a measurement system framework for CA to provide a common starting point for advertising researchers to begin addressing these challenges, and we also discuss future research questions and directions for advertising researchers" (2020).  And further differentiating between ad measurements in old and new media, the authorors suggest CA takes on a more holistic role where "measurements of consumer behaviors become integral throughout the process of creating, executing, and evaluating advertising programs" (2020).

These measurement systems are the tools Google uses to lure advertisers and to determine how much to pay content providers for bringing eyeballs to the app.  The basic concepts of this actually go back nearly 100 years according to the paper.

Your mission is to click on the link to the paper: and to answer this question: 

What are the four main data types that feed into the computational engine at the heart of CA?

(Hint: when you see the image in this post within the paper, you are close to the answer.)

Post your response in the exam on Brightspace.

#finalexam #spring 2022

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