Sunday, January 23, 2022

Welcome to the MPR 270 blogging experience

This blog is but one of the ways in which one can create content for distribution online. 

This long form format has largely been supplanted by shorter form platforms (or microblogs) - in short, the many social media sites we frequent.

We finished our Day 1 lecture with a brief discussion of online censorship and some social media platforms' heavy-handed approach to gatekeeping or rooting out "misinformation."

Your first assignment is to offer some thoughts on the notion of free speech as it applies to social media discourse.  Is it proper to suspend or banish users with whom the gatekeepers disagree?

This issue has also brought about the creation of numerous alternatives to the big social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.).  What are your thoughts on this increasing number of platforms and a content creator's ability to find and grow and audience? 

Use the comment section below to share your thoughts.  

Depending on the number and quality of responses I receive, some extra credit points will be available.


  1. People shouldn't be banished nor suspended from their account due to expressing their beliefs. As long as they are not being disrespectful.

  2. I believe that our first amendment right impacts the world of social media in more of a negative way, as people take advantage of this freedom and speak their mind, disregarding respect for others and their morals. I think a platform has every right to banish a user IF they are breaking rules and not harming anyone.

  3. A person should not be banished or report just for sharing their viewpoint on a topic. People are allowed to speak their mind and they should be punished for doing so.

  4. It's not proper in my opinion to suspend an account just because of their opinion on a subject especially if it is not going against the community guidelines in an app.
